Partnership & Art
The Marilisa Allegrini Group has always believed in the value of partnerships, of relations between companies, as the strong point of the ‘Made in Italy’ ethos, and relationships and links with the world of art.

Villa Della Torre per Palazzo Te
Italy’s artistic heritage is a generous resource for culture, capable of involving aesthetic sensitivity, education in enjoying life’s pleasures and the development of civilization itself. The arts, monuments, architecture, but also productive traditions such as winemaking and culinary creations, and the special appeal of festive dining, are an expression of this. Palazzo Te, a masterpiece of the Italian Renaissance and a marvelous synthesis of architecture, literature and visionary spirit, has partnered with Villa Della Torre, underpinning obvious historical-artistic similarities, and the world of wine that revolves around the Villa, a world of passion, a signature project and the terroir. A fertile alliance has emerged from the multiple and significant resemblances that unite the two Renaissance masterpieces. Two unprecedented wines, a Valpolicella and a Lugana, adorned with labels illustrating two of the most famous frescoed works displayed in Palazzo Te: the Chamber of the Giants and the Chamber of Cupid and Psyche.

The Art of Exhibiting Art - Prize
Marilisa Allegrini established the Prize ‘The Art of Exhibiting Art’ (L’Arte di mostrare l’Arte) in 2013. Prizes have been awarded over the years to Davide Gasparotto, Adolfo Tura and Guido Beltramini, the curators of the exhibition ‘Pietro Bembo e l’invenzione del Rinascimento’; Paola Marini and Bernard Aikema for the exhibition ‘Paolo Veronese: l’illusione della realtà’; Salvatore Settis, Rem Koolhaas and Fondazione Prada for the exhibition ‘Serial/Portable Classic’; Luca Massimo Barbero, curator at Palazzo Strozzi in Florence of the exhibition ‘Da Kandinsky a Pollock. La grande arte dei Guggenheim’; Maria Luisa Pacelli, director of the Palazzo dei Diamanti in Ferrara; Xavier Salomon, curator of the Frick Collection in New York; Arte Sella, the open-air exhibition space in Borgo Valsugana; Marzia Faietti and Matteo Lafranconi, curators of the exhibition ‘Raffaello 1520 – 1483’, held at the Scuderie del Quirinale; David Landau for ‘Le Stanze del Vetro’; Michele Coppola for Gallerie d’Italia; Francesca Cappelleti for Galleria Borghese in Rome; Stefano Baia Curioni and Raffaella Morselli for Fondazione Palazzo Te; Stefano L’Occaso for Palazzo Ducale in Mantua for the exhibition ‘Rubens! La nascita di una pittura europea’.

Ambasciatori Del Gusto
The Marilisa Allegrini Group, with the companies Villa Della Torre (Valpolicella and Lugana), Poggio Al Tesoro (Bolgheri) and San Polo (Montalcino) is part of the Partners’ Club of the Italian Association of Ambassadors of Taste (Associazione Italiana Ambasciatori del Gusto). The Partners’ Club supports the work of this Associazone, which includes and supports all those who have distinguished themselves through their profession in enhancing Italy’s food and wine heritage, joining forces to do business, both in Italy and around the world.